Researcher Profile

Julia Emberley
Professor, Department of English
B.A. (Western), M.A. (Queens), Ph.D. (York)
519-661-2111 ext85840
Research Interests / Specializations: Indigenous testimonial practices, Residential schools, Literary Criticism & Theory, Postcolonial, Women's Literature & Gender Studies, Cultural Studies
Julia Emberley is a Professor of English whose research and teaching focuses on Canadian indigenous studies and Middle Eastern conflict. She is interested in different methods and functions of testimony in Aboriginal and Arab communities experiencing, or recovering from, conflict. Emberley focuses on the ways indigenous visual artists, writers and storytellers use their craft as a form of testimony. These testimonies help to further understand past colonial conflicts and contemporary problems, such as truth and reconciliation with regard to residential schools.
In addition, she studies indigenous literary and visual texts and the valuable knowledge they provide toward understanding indigenous conflicts. Her most recent research relates to media representations of indigenous women living in downtown Vancouver through coverage of the Robert Pickton murder trial. Emberley’s research related to the Middle East explores graphic novels as a form of testimony and documentation of the problems with war and civil war.
Professor Emberley was elected to the Royal Society of Canada in 2014.
For more information, please visit her faculty page